List of Available Application Options
There are many global Application Options for which you can define values. These are normally set only once during the initial start-up period. The options listed are based on the installed modules. They are as follows:
- ACTIVITY_MGR_OR_USER_SIGNOFF: This option allows for either the department manager or the user to sign off depending on which individual accomplished the task first. The User Notify Manager flag must be checked in the user record and this setting must be set to YES. Currently the default is NO.
- APP_COMPANY_NAME: This is where your company name is defined in the system. This is used in the header of all reports.
- APP_TITLE: The application title to be displayed in the browser window’s title bar.
- CCM_BLANK_REVISION_START_WITH: This allows for setting the default revision number when adding a document to the change order with a blank revision number.
- CCM_ID_PREFIX: Valid only for the Change Control module. This allows you to select your alpha prefix for your automatic change order numbers assigned by the system.
- CCM_NEXT_ID: Valid only for the Change Control module. Allows you to set the next auto-numbered change control number.
- CCM_REQUIRE_COMPLETE_PREREVIEW: Valid only for the Change Control module. This option allows for requiring all reviewers to complete the pre-reviews stage prior to invoking the formal review stage.
- CCM_REQUIRE_COMPLETE REVIEW: Valid only for the Change Control module. This option allows for requiring all reviewers to complete the formal review stage prior to invoking the signature stage.
- CCM_REQUIRE_COMPLETE_SIGNATURE: Valid only for the Change Control module. This option allows you to force all required signatures before moving documents into current status.
- CHANGE_ORDER:AUTO_DOC_REV_LEVEL:EXCLUDED_CHARS: List of alphabetical letters (A-Z in CAPS and NO numbers) that will be skipped when automatically calculating the next revision level of documents on the Change Order Related Documents tab.
NOTE: You can manually override these letters before any activities are issued.
- CHECKIN_AUTO_COMPLETE: This option allows the system to automatically assume the review activity is complete when a user checks a document back in during the revision process. If this option is set to NO, the user must check the Complete checkbox to complete the review activity. NO is the recommended setting.
- CREATE_TRAINING_FOR_SIGNERS: Set to YES if you would like a document approval signature to automatically create a training record when issuing new revisions. During Move to Current, the system will allow for overriding.
NOTE: If a quiz is attached to the document, and CREATE_TRAINING_FOR_SIGNERS is set as an application option, you may want to select the signers during the Notify for Training if you want the signers to take the quiz after releasing a new version of the document.
- CYCLENOTIFICATION_ACTIVITY_EMAIL: Set to YES if you would like to automatically create emails and activities for expired training.
NOTE: You must have the automatic program scheduled to run this option. Refer to technical notes or installation instructions for further information.
- CYCLENOTIFICATION_DAYS: This option sets the number of days for the program to look into the future to determine if training for a document and user is going to expire.
- CYCLENOTIFICATION_DUE_DATE_DAYS: This option sets the due date for the activity that the cycle notification creates. For example: If the option value is set to 30 days, any activities that are created when the program runs will be 30 days from the date the program ran.
- CYCLENOTIFICATION_INCLUDE_HAVE_ACTIVITY: If current training activity exists, the cycle notification program will not send an expired training email notification if this option value set to NO. If set to YES, the expired training email will be sent.
- CYCLENOTIFICATION_TO_MANAGER: Allows for email notification of required cycle training. Available settings are:
- NONE - No one is notified when the cycle training is issued except the employee.
- BOTH - Send to Review Group Admin and Department Manager.
- YES - Send to Review Group Admin.
- NO (or anything else) - Send to Department Manager.
- CYCLENOTIFICATION_USE_JOBPLAN: If set to YES, an automatic program notifies individuals for expired training only if the document is part of their job requirements (job planning). If set to NO, it will notify individuals with existing or prior training. If set to BOTH, it will notify individuals using both job planning and prior training.
- DEFAULT_DUE_DATE_DAYS: This option is set to allow for the system to automatically calculate the default number of days to complete activities.
- DEFAULT_USER_EDITPATH: This option allows you to set the default local edit path for documents that users are editing as part of the revision process. The default after installation is C:\temp. This can be changed to a network drive.
NOTE: A user must have Read/Write access to this USER_EDITPATH to check documents out for review.
- DEFAULT_USer_REQCUR_TRAINING: Prompt entered when using the Requires Current Training flag in the user and document table. If set, this prompt displays if a user is unable to view a document if they are not trained on the current version.
- DOC_AUTO_TRACK_CHANGES_ON: If set to YES, a Word document (i.e., a .doc or an .rft document) that is placed in review will automatically have track changes turned on. This setting is recommended to be set to NO if locking or password protecting forms before publishing.
- DOC_CHECKOUT_USING_NAME: If set to YES, the document ID number is used instead of the GUID for the checked out document name. If set to YES, the Document ID number must not contain illegal characters as defined by Microsoft File Structure or that are a browser limitation. Currently this list is \ / : * ? ‘ < > |#. Also, this field cannot be changed from NO to YES if you have a Document ID with illegal characters. If this field is left blank, then NO (checkout using GUID) is assumed. If you are required to have illegal characters in your Document ID, then NO is the correct setting.
CAUTION: Make sure all documents are checked-in for all users before changing this setting. To assist with this, generate a Documents Checked Out report, which lists all documents that are currently checked out.
- DOC_DEACTIVATE_UPDATE_EXPIRATIONDATE: Set this option to YES to automatically update the document expiration date when flagging the document as inactive.
- DOC_EFFECTIVE_DAYS: This option is used to set the number of days to add to the current date for making the document effective when moving documents to current status.
- DOC_EXPIRATION_DAYS: This option is used for notification on the number of days to notify before the document expires. This option is used in conjunction with the Document Expiration Date on the General tab of the Document Detail page.
- DOC_INCLUDE_NOTES: This option will include the document notes in email notifications during the review cycle (Review, Review Complete, Signature and Signature Complete).
- DOC_MOVETOCURRENT_JOBPLAN_CHECKBOX_CHECKED: This option, if set to YES, will automatically check the Use Job Planning checkbox when the Move Document to Current page displays.
- DOC_MOVETOCURRENT_PRIOR_CHECKBOX_CHECKED: This option, if set to YES, will automatically check the Use Prior Training checkbox when the Move to Document to Current page displays.
- DOC_NEW_EFFECTIVE_MONTHS: Use this option to automatically set the number of months to the Revision Effective Date when adding new documents.
- DOC_NEXT_REVIEW_MONTHS: This option automatically sets the number of months to add to the Next Review Date when moving documents to current status.
- DOC_PDFCONVERSION_ALLOW_COPYPASTE: This option will either turn off or on the copy and paste function within the converted PDF document. Default setting is NO.
- DOC_PDFCONVERSION_ALLOWPRINT: This option will either turn off or on the ability to print the converted PDF document. The default is NO.
- DOC_PDFCONVERSION_CUSTOM_SIGNATURE_PAGE: This option allows for using a custom signature page when creating the PDF document. The use of this feature may require additional programming charges. The default is set to <blank>.
- DOC_PDFCONVERSION_INCLUDE_DOCUMENT_ID: This option is used to include the Document ID during PDF watermark stamping.
- DOC_PDFCONVERSION_INCLUDE_PRINTED_ON_DATE_TEXT: This option is used to include a date and also the text that is printed before the Print Date when converting documents to PDF. For example: “Printed On” or “Valid On”. The text is added in the lower left corner of the document when printed. Based on the length of the text added, you may need to indent the text to prevent it from being truncated during printing.
NOTE: With proper permissions, you can perform a mass republishing after turning on this feature.
NOTE: Print Date is pulled from the current PC date and not the TMS server date.
NOTE: Print Date displays only when printing.
- DOC_PDFCONVERSION_INCLUDE_PRINTED_ON_TIME: This option is used in conjunction with the DOC_PDFCONVERSION_INCLUDE_PRINTED_ON_DATE_TEXT setting above. It allows for adding a time stamp after the date stamp during PDF conversion. The time stamp will only display when the document is printed. For example: “Valid for 24 hours from” <Date> <Time>.
- DOC_PDFCONVERSION_INCLUDE_SIGNATURE_PAGE: This option will add a signature page to the converted PDF document. The following options are available:
- NO: Do not include a signature page on the PDF (the default).
- YES: Include a signature page on the current document only and not on the printable PDF.
- BOTH: Includes a signature page on both the current document and PDF (Printable) versions.
- DOC_PDFCONVERSION_PRINTABLE_PDF_PRINTEDONDATETEXT: This option is used to include a date and also the text that is printed before the Date and/or Time Stamp on the Printable (Controlled) copies of PDFs. Blank (the default) indicates no date stamp is included when printing the Printable PDF document.
- DOC_PDFCONVERSION_PRINTABLE_PDF_WATERMARK: This option allows for adding a watermark to the printable PDF. It would use the same Size, Color, and Location defined for the DOC_PDFCONVERSION_WATERMARK.
- DOC_PDFCONVERSION_PRINTREVISION: This option allows for stamping the Revision No., Effective Date of Revision, and Next Revision Date during move to current. The default Setting is NO.
- DOC_PDFCONVERSION_PRINTREVISION_COLOR: This option is used to set the color of the revision information on the document during conversion to PDF.
- DOC_PDFCONVERSION_PRINTREVISION_DISPLAY: This option allows stamping the revision information on the document the following ways: Blank or D=Diagonal, L=Go up Left side, R=Go up Right side, C=Go up Center, A=Go Across Center, T=Across Top, B=Bottom.
- DOC_PDFCONVERSION_PRINTREVISION_FONTSIZE: This option allows for setting the font size when printing the revision information during conversion to PDF.
- DOC_PDFCONVERSION_REVISION_WATERMARK_TEXT : Text to be included with the Revision Watermark.
- DOC_PDFCONVERSION_USEDISTILLER: This option allows for keeping Adobe Distiller for creating the PDF or using the TMS PDF conversion program. Default is set to YES for using Adobe Distiller.
- DOC_PDFCONVERSION_WATERMARK: This option will allow for adding a watermark to the converted PDF document. Default set to blank.
- DOC_PDFCONVERSION_WATERMARK_COLOR: This option is used to set the color of the watermark on the document during conversion to PDF. Enter a value using RGB.
- DOC_PDFCONVERSION_WATERMARK_DISPLAY: This option allows displaying the watermark on the document the following ways: Blank or D=Diagonal, L=Go up Left side, R=Go up Right side, C=Go up Center, A=Go Across Center, T=Across Top, B=Bottom.
- DOC_PDFCONVERSION_WATERMARK_FONTSIZE: This option allows for setting the font size of the watermark during conversion to PDF.
- Set to NO or NONE if you do not want the "Next Review Date" stamped on the PDF document.
- Leave blank if you want the "Next Review Date" stamped on the PDF document.
- Enter text to be used if you prefer text to be stamped on the PDF document when there is no next review date assigned to the document (for example: N/A).
- DOC_SEND_RECIPIENTCOMMENT_ALL: This option will send recipient comments to all reviewers and signers during the document review cycle. The default setting is NO.
- DOCUMENT:EDIT_TITLE_IN_REV:ENABLE: This option allows for editing the document ID and title while the document is in the review process. The default setting is NO.
- DOCUMENT:EDIT_TITLE_IN_REV:UNCOMPLETE_ACTIVITIES: This option allows for uncompleting completed review activities if the document ID and title are changed during the review process. The default setting is NO.
- Document:Re_Upload:Co_Users: This option works in conjunction with Document:Re_Upload: Enable (below) and allows for limiting who can do a re-upload. Valid selections are ANY or CO_ADMIN.
- DOCUMENT:RE_UPLOAD: ENABLE: This option allows for re-unloading documents via the review activities. The default setting is NO.
- Document:Re_Upload:Sa_Users: This option works in conjunction with Document:Re_Upload: Enable (above) and allows for limiting who can do a re-upload. Valid selections are ANY or RG_ADMIN.
- DOCUMENT:RE_UPLOAD:UNCOMPLETE_ACTIVITIES: This option allows for uncompleting any completed review activities if a document has been re-uploaded. The default setting is NO. Setting is valid for both SA (Standalone Routing) and CO (Change Order Routing).
- DOCUMENT:REDLINE VERSION:SHOW FOR TRAINING: If this option is set to YES, a redline version of the document is available for review when training activities are sent.
- DOCUMENT:STORE_REDLINE_VERSION: This option, if set to YES, will create a redline version of the document when issuing final review complete. A redline version of the document is available for review during Signature stage and is also available on the History tab.
- EMAIL_ADDITIONAL_MESSAGE: Additional Message to be sent in email notices instead of links.
- EMAIL_ALTERNATE_MESSAGE: This option is used in a CITRIX environment and allows you to send a message instead of a link when creating emails.
- EMAIL_CITRIX_ATTACHMENTS: If running Citrix, this option includes an .ica file instead of a link in the email notification. This may not be valid for all versions of Citri.
- EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS: The default name for the outgoing (SMTP) mail server. This entry will display in the From field of the email notifications.
- EMAIL_METHOD: SMTP, CDO, or .NETSMTP. SMTP uses a simple SMTP DLL to send emails. CDO sends the emails straight into the exchange server. .NETSMTP uses the .NET framework to send emails.
- EMAIL_PASSWORD: Only used if using CDO. This would be the default password used to logon to the exchange server.
- EMAIL_PORT: Port number to use when sending emails by the .NETSMTP method.
- EMAIL_SERVER: The name of your mail server.
- EMAIL_SUBJECT: Set this option to allow changing email subject lines when sending emails. Setting this option to MSG causes the activity type message to be used for the subject line. Setting this option to ID causes the activity type ID to be used. Blank indicates the default, which is the standard “Activity Alert”.
- EMAIL_USER: Only used if using CDO. This would be the default user used to logon to the exchange server.
- EMAIL_USESSL: Determines whether to use SSL to send .NETSTMP emails (YES/NO).
- FORM_PDFREPORT_ALLOW_COPYPASTE: This option is used to allow copy and pasting when creating Forms Reports in PDF format. The default is NO.
- FORM_PDFREPORT_ALLOWPRINT: This option is used to allow printing when creating Forms Reports in PDF format. The default is NO.
- FORMS_GENERATE_REPORT_AFTER_FORM_SAVE:This option is used for generating reports that are not included in a workflow. The options are:
- Set to YES to generate the report but not wait for the report to be generated.
- Set to NO to not generate the report. The user will need to use the Generate Report button to provide a Display Report button.
- Set to WAIT to generate the report on save but wait until the report is generated.
- PACKETID_FORMAT: Enter a “#” in the value field to turn off the reset of the packet sequential number at the beginning of each month. This also eliminates the month/year (mm/yy) from the packet ID number.
- PROACTIVE_REVIEW_DAYS: If set, would notify the Review Group Administrator that a document is coming due for review. For example, if set to 30, a notification would be sent to the Review Group Administrator 30 days in advance of a document review. To activate this feature, the automatic proactivereview.cmd program must be scheduled to run on the application server. See technical notes for additional information.
- PROACTIVE_REVIEW_UPDATE_EFFECTIVE_DATE: Set to NO to keep the original revision effective date during the execution of the Proactive Review function. Set to YES (the default) to update the revision effective date of the document to the date of the proactive review execution. This option applies only if updating the Next Review Date which indicates “No Change is required”.
- PROACTIVE_REVIEW_DOCEXPIRATION_SENDTO: If set to A, the automatic program called ProactiveReview.cmd and DocumentExpiration.cmd sends document review activities to the Review Group Administrators. If set to R, the automatic program sends document review activities to the members of the review group. If an individual is assigned to the field labeled Proactive Reviewer/Document Owner in the document record, they will receive the review notifications regardless of this setting in the Application Options. The emails sent to the proactive reviewers provide a link to the Document Proactive Review page. Refer to the instructions in Executing Automatic Programs .
- PROMPT_REQCUR_TRAINING: You can change the information displayed if current training is required for viewing a document and training does not exist.
- SEARCH_PAGE_ITEMS: The number of items to list in search results. At this time, this setting is used for Document Search and User Search functions only. This is the default which can be changed in the user table for each individual user.
NOTE: The higher this value is, the longer it takes to load the page from the server. It is recommended that you use no more than 50 items.
- TESTING_MAX_TEST_FAILS: The number of times a user can fail a quiz before the activity is removed from the current activity table. The default is unlimited (0).
- TESTING_NOTIFY_EVERY_FAIL: If set to YES, Department Managers are notified when users fail a quiz. The default is NO.
- TESTING_NOTIFY_EVERY_PASS: If set to YES, Department Managers are notified when users pass a quiz. The default is NO.
- TMS_WEB:DEFAULT_LANGUAGE: Default language.
- TRAINING:FORCE_LATE_SIGNOFF_REASON: If set to YES, users are required to enter a reason for late signoff of training. The entered information is stored with the training record and only applies to self-study training.
- TRAINING:LATE_SIGNOFF_REASON_VALUE_LIST: This field contains the name of the drop-down list that will be used in conjunction with the TRAINING:FORCE_LATE_SIGNOFF_REASON option. If the drop-down list is spelled incorrectly or does not exist, the system will revert back to the default of displaying a text box for “Reason For Late Signoff”.
- TRAINING:MAX_TRAINING_PER_DAY: This option allows for setting the maximum number of training activities a user can complete in any given 24-hour period. The default is blank (= unlimited).
- TRAINING:NOTIFY:SUMMARY_EMAIL_ONLY: If set to YES, one summary email per document will be sent to the selected trainer listing all individual trainees . If set to NO, individual emails (one for each trainee) and one summary email will be sent to the selected trainer. The default is NO.
- TRAINING_PRINT_CERTIFICATES: If set to YES, users can print training certificates after successful completion of a quiz, which can also be printed from the View Training Detail link on the My Activities page. This link is available if job planning is set up for the user.
- UI:EDIT_LIST:PRELOAD_OBJECTS:20002: This option is used for determining whether documents use a preloaded drop-down list or a select button when searching. If set to YES (the default), the eForms module, reports, training, signature, and activity search will use a preloaded drop-down list. If set to NO, a select button will be used. (Refer to the important note below.)
- UI:EDIT_LIST:PRELOAD_OBJECTS:20201: This option is used for determining whether jobs use a preloaded drop-down list or a select button when searching. If set to YES (the default), the forms module and reports will use a preloaded drop-down list. If set to NO, a select button will be used. (Refer to the important note below.)
- UI:EDIT_LIST:PRELOAD_OBJECTS:20301: This option is used for determining whether Review Groups use a preloaded drop-down list or a select button when searching. If set to YES (the default), the eForms module, reports, and review group search will use a preloaded drop-down list. If set to NO, a select button will be used. (Refer to the important note below.)
- UI:EDIT_LIST:PRELOAD_OBJECTS:23: This option is used for determining whether users use a preloaded drop-down list or a select button when searching. If set to YES (the default), the eForms module, reports, training, signature, and activity searches will use a preloaded drop-down list. If set to NO, a select button will be used. (Refer to the important note below.)
- UI:EDIT_LIST:PRELOAD_OBJECTS:36: This option is used for determining whether departments use a preloaded drop-down list or a select button when searching. If set to YES (the default), the eForms module, reports, and department search will use a preloaded drop-down list. If set to NO, a select button will be used. (Refer to the important note below.)
NOTE: If you have a large number of records, it is recommended to set the UI Preload options to NO. This allows for the selection of specific records instead of preloading the items, which could be very time-consuming for large amounts of data.
For example, if you had a document table of 10,000 records, loading these into a grid would not be productive. The system could time out before all the records loaded. To avoid this condition, the following message would be displayed: “Number of items too large for load. Please use the Search Items button to narrow selection.”
- UI:FORMS:ALLOW_ADMIN_EDIT_FORM_IN_WORKFLOW: This option allows individuals with Admin privileges to the location of the form to edit any unlocked form during the workflow process.
- UI:FORMS:ALLOW_AUTO_COMPLETE_FIELDS: This option turns on the Quick Find features when searching for active form packets. The default is YES.
- UI:FORMS:ALLOW_EDIT_PACKET_DESCR: This option allows for editing the Packet Description field. Default is set to YES.
- UI:FORMS:ALLOW_EDIT_PACKET_NAME: This option allows for you to manually override the packet ID after the system automatically creates the number using the facility (and if chosen the month and year of the packet creation). The default is NO.
- UI:FORMS:LIMIT_FORM_COPY_BY_FACILITY: This option limits the list of packets that display by Facility in the drop-down list during the form COPY function.
- UI:FORMS:LIMIT_FORM_COPY_BY_LOCATION: This option limits the list of packets that display by Location in the drop-down list during the form COPY function.
- UI:FORMS:LIMIT_FORM_COPY_INCLUDE_CLOSED: This option includes closed packets in the drop-down list during the form COPY function.
- UI:FORMS:SHOW_SECTION_SAVE_BUTTONS: This option allows for separate Save buttons for each section of the form. You would disable this feature if you design forms with numerous required fields. The default is YES.
- UI:REQUIRE_ADMIN_ADD_RECORD:23: This option if set to YES, users must have one “R/W + Del” permission to the User Location.
- UI:REQUIRE_ADMIN_EDIT_TABS:23: This option if set to YES, users must have “R/W + Del” permission to edit the General and Permission Group tabs on the User Detail page. This setting applies for each User Location.
- UI:SEARCH:ALLOW_AUTO_COMPLETE_FIELDS: This option allows the Quick Add function in the relationship grid for the users, departments, jobs, documents, and review groups. Also, includes a Quick Find for document ID and title during a document search.
- UI:SEARCH RESULT:MAX DISPLAY ITEMS: This option allows for turning off the load buttons or search if the table size is greater than the specified size entered here. System will return a message for the user to use the search function or to narrow down the search function. The default is 0 indicating that this function is not used. We recommend using this feature if you have a large number of documents, user or other tables greater than 1,000 items.
- UI:SEARCH RESULT:MAX LIST ITEMS: This is the maximum numbers of items that will be displayed on List Pages (0 = no limit).
- UI:SEARCH RESULT:MAX LIST ITEMS:20002: This option is specific to documents and controls the number of list items displayed when selecting the Document List menu option. The default is set to 0, which indicates no limit. This setting is most commonly used when a large number of documents are stored in TMS.
- UI:USE_SPECIAL_DELETE_PERMISSION:20002: This option is used to separate the delete function from the Read/Write permissions when assigning authorization to delete documents in the permission table. Selecting YES provides separate permission options on the Local Permissions tab called Read/Write and Delete. The default is NO.
- UI:USE_SPECIAL_DELETE_PERMISSION:23: This option is used to separate the delete function from the Read/Write permission when assigning authorization to delete users in the permission table. Selecting YES provides separate permission options on the Global Permissions tab called Read/Write and Delete. The default is NO. (Refer to the important note below.)
NOTE: If you have numerous permission groups and locations, it may be easier to set up a separate permission group for this option rather than edit existing permission groups.
- UI:USE_SPECIAL_DELETE_PERMISSION:30001: Use Special Delete Permission (RW and Delete) for Change Orders (YES/NO).
- USE_HTTPS: Use Secure HTTP. Set to YES for HTTPS transfer across the Internet. Set to NO for HTTP transfer.
- USE_SOCKETS: Set to YES for socket transfer. Set to NO for HTTP transfer.